Sweet Family, Hello hello! Greetings from Taiwan. This week is so exciting. On Wednesday we are going to have Elder Funk from the 70 speak with us and then on Friday I'm teaching the ward how to make pumpkin pie and then on Saturday we are going to have a Thanksgiving activity and we are going to teach them football, turkey hands, give them thanksgiving food, and then give them Book of Mormons to hand out to their friends. O_0. What better way to show you are thankful for the gospel then sharing it right? Are you doing the Thanksgiving talent show this week? I was banking on it so I attatched a message and me singing some Christmas songs so you can include that in the program! I'll give you the real deal next Christmas/Thanksgiving. I'm so happy to be serving at this time in this Thanksgiving season. They don't celebrate Thanksgiving or Christmas so there are absolutely no decorations or anything, but that makes it more the exciting to introduce Christ into their lives. The work is going awesome. Sister Xie got the Holy Ghost this Sunday and wore sweatpants under her skirt because she was cold. She's so awesome. Wow. I love her and I love how willing she is to follow God. She asks questions but she never questions God. We are working with a Sister Liao. She is 23 and her mom died this April, and we have been working with her for about 3 weeks now. She had no background before. We were teaching her the 10 commandments which usually there's not too big of a problem with teaching it, but with the first one (No graven images or other Gods) kind of threw her off balance because her daoist background teaches there are tons. She asked how you really know which one is the true God and how do you worship Him. After discussing and sharing she came to realize that yeah we just have one true God and there are other things in this world that are good but not God. One of the blessinsgs of the gospel is knowing WHO (romans 10:14) we worship and HOW (DC 93:13) to worsihp Him. We worship a loving Heavenly Father who is our God. We trust and love him and follow his commandments! Penelope is still a work in progress. she is progressing on her own time and her own time is slowly, but that's not a worry. This week she really opened up. She has a problem with one of the commandments because she doesn't understand how a loving God doesn't allow same sex relationships.This is a problem in Taiwan that we've run into a couple times because it's so common . Yeah, try explaining all that IN CHINESE. No worries we did expalin it, she definitely felt the spirit in that lesson. It was so strong as Sister Park and I were able to testify of God and of the Plan of Salvation and the love he has for all of us. So many people wonder if there is a God because of all the things that happen in the world. The wonder if he is in fact merciful and loving because of sickness, hunger, and unjustices. Through the gospel, especially the Plan of Salvation we know who he is, our relationship with him, and how to get back to him. People dont' understand why he gives us these commandments or rules to guide our lives and I really feel that as we better understand this Plan we better understand why we have these commmandments that don't limit our freedeom but lovingly guide us to have a fullfilling life. The underlying principle is our relationship with God. He loves us so he gave us commandments to protect us. We love him so we follow what he says. Bad things happen and sometimes life is rough. I was reading Our Search For Happiness by Elder Ballard. SO GOOD. He said taht bad things in life happen just like bad things in nature happen. The plates slip and an earthquacke happens. It's nature its the way it is. When we came to this life we accepted those rules of nature and one is sometimes life gets rough. We do ahve some control thoguht. That's where agencey comes in. The blessed blessed gift of agency! I always think of that "our turn on earth song". so good. That's why we have commandments. God gives us those so he can guide us to use our agency wisely to be blessed and protected. I love using the analogy of commandments as guardrails. Just picture it you're in Zions and you're going up Angel's Landing (Angels Summer 2014!) driving at superspeed. There's so many cliffs, but no worries. You have those guardrails to guide you and keep you safe. Sometime life comes at super speed and we don'ot even realize where we're going or what we are doing BUT as long as we follow the commandments of God we can know we will be safe and guided to be where we need to be. Woof! Definietly a missionary here. Love talking gospel. Family, THNAKSGIVING! Tell me about it! I am so thankful for the love and support. You are my number 1 family! I love you all so much! Eat an extra piece of pumplkin pie for me! Love, Your Daughter
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where can I see this talent show video??? I can only imagine how great it must be!