Missionaries love the temple cafeteria. I went this morning and got waffles. Everyone loves it so much! I do love it so much. Tori remember Nicole Brown from EFY so long ago? She remembered me and she remembered when we did AUNT AGITHA!!!! Crazy. She said she has a bunch of pics of us on fb. She is going to Japan and I saw her in the cafeteria.
Missionaries love the temple cafeteria. I went this morning and got waffles. Everyone loves it so much! I do love it so much. Tori remember Nicole Brown from EFY so long ago? She remembered me and she remembered when we did AUNT AGITHA!!!! Crazy. She said she has a bunch of pics of us on fb. She is going to Japan and I saw her in the cafeteria.
I love the temple mainly. Okay let me say nothing is more
romantic to me these days than a temple sealing (it's like a chick flick
missionary style) but in all reverent honesty nothing is better. Think about
it! The promised blessings and just knowing that a wife gives herself to her
husband and her husband to God. It's so beautiful to me. And the promise of
being with your spouse and family forever. PLEASE never do anything that will
prevent a temple marriage. It's so important and you will be hindering so many
joys and blessings!
Cool news! I can email whoever I want so pass that little maily mail email around! They changed that for all missionaries and you have an hour and 30 mins. (so they say).
I love you 100% and never any less. Hugs and kisses (xoxoxoxo) through the web.
Mom you angel! Thank you for the stamp! Mom I love you so much. When I go to teach investigators I think of you and your strong 16-year old self who met with the missionaries and used faith and acted to know the truth. I'm so excited to help others the way they helped you. Love you mama.
Mam: Elder Bean says thank you!
Subject quote: Okay so here is the thing. Mandarin is a tricky language but it's great. I really love it so much and I've come to realize that I can speak it! Let me tell you what I can do at this point: I can greet people at morning and night, I can bare my testimony, I can pray, I can teach the first and second lesson (not the greatest but I can teach the doctrine), I can scold people, call people angels, and then some random things. So basically I can be a missionary and speak MTC mandarin decently. HOWEVER there are times when I just can't figure out to say the words and that happened when I was teaching our mu dao you (investigator). I was telling her how we came to this earth to experience sorrow and joy so that we can grow and progress. I asked her if she felt that she had grown from the joy and sorrow in her life. She looked so confused and kept saying "xili?" and was so puzzled. And I would say yes "xili"! She still looked really confused and then I kept teaching and then apparently the investigator (who was my teacher) figured it out and said "xile" which is the real word for joy. Xili means baptism and so I was basically asking her about her baptism that never happened. She thought it was so funny that she broke character and just started laughing. It was pretty funny I guess. That's the funny stuff that happens in the MTC! The humor is crazy!
Family! 1. I love being a missionary and can see now why people would say that they were a little jealous of missionaries. It's hard work that is no lie, but what greater work than to work alongside the Godhead to teach our brothas and sistas eternal truths!
Cool news! I can email whoever I want so pass that little maily mail email around! They changed that for all missionaries and you have an hour and 30 mins. (so they say).
I love you 100% and never any less. Hugs and kisses (xoxoxoxo) through the web.
Mom you angel! Thank you for the stamp! Mom I love you so much. When I go to teach investigators I think of you and your strong 16-year old self who met with the missionaries and used faith and acted to know the truth. I'm so excited to help others the way they helped you. Love you mama.
Mam: Elder Bean says thank you!
Subject quote: Okay so here is the thing. Mandarin is a tricky language but it's great. I really love it so much and I've come to realize that I can speak it! Let me tell you what I can do at this point: I can greet people at morning and night, I can bare my testimony, I can pray, I can teach the first and second lesson (not the greatest but I can teach the doctrine), I can scold people, call people angels, and then some random things. So basically I can be a missionary and speak MTC mandarin decently. HOWEVER there are times when I just can't figure out to say the words and that happened when I was teaching our mu dao you (investigator). I was telling her how we came to this earth to experience sorrow and joy so that we can grow and progress. I asked her if she felt that she had grown from the joy and sorrow in her life. She looked so confused and kept saying "xili?" and was so puzzled. And I would say yes "xili"! She still looked really confused and then I kept teaching and then apparently the investigator (who was my teacher) figured it out and said "xile" which is the real word for joy. Xili means baptism and so I was basically asking her about her baptism that never happened. She thought it was so funny that she broke character and just started laughing. It was pretty funny I guess. That's the funny stuff that happens in the MTC! The humor is crazy!
Family! 1. I love being a missionary and can see now why people would say that they were a little jealous of missionaries. It's hard work that is no lie, but what greater work than to work alongside the Godhead to teach our brothas and sistas eternal truths!
2. I love you all and I can feel your prayers
(EVERYONE). I mean it. When I was set apart I remember President Noble blessed
me that I would be able to feel them and I had never thought of that as a
blessing before, but I tell you now I am thankful he blessed me with that and I
can feel it. THANK YOU! xoxo
So remember how I was trying to have charity the last week (shout out to Mar. San. (you know who you are) for giving me those scriptures. You inspired me to do the same thing with other attributes and subjects so now when I study the scriptures I compile them into my patience, faith, baptism, and Atonement archives). <--- This is a good thing to do when you study the scriptures because it helps you really STUDY them and you are able to have scriptures to go to when you want to study a subject. Simple knowledge but just restating it. Well this is what happened. I was praying so hard to really love my companion and to make our companionship better. I talked to her about all I was feeling in Comp. Inventory and when I was talking to her, something just changed in me. It was the strangest thing. I was just looking at her and I just loved her and yes I was frustrated at how our companionship was going but it was okay because I loved and respected her and I really felt that. God answers prayers. He answers them in so many ways and that is how he answered mine. I think he softened my heart and made me less of a scrooge or something but I'm so thankful that happened because it has been a lot better now! I think I also just wanted her to understand what I wanted to do as a missionary and just where I was coming from and what this mission was to me. People just want to be understood! Take the time to listen to people. REALLY listen to them. The highlight of my week is Sunday when we are able to watch Music and The Spoken Word (watch it too! it's sososo good). Last Sunday the thought was about listening to people and REALLY listening to them. It talked about this deaf girl that is a famous drummer. Super-neat. And she says she feels with her whole self. Her body and her legs. Listening is more than hearing. It's turning your heart and attention to someone and giving your all to understand them. I hope I can always do that because I’m a missionary!! I need to listen to people's needs so I may be able to better help them. Since I’m a missionary and I love it I also think like one a lot. And that's a lot like the spirit. To really listen to the spirit we need to turn our attention away from other things and try with our all to listen.
TENDER MERCIES EXIST!!!! The tender mercies this week. 1. corn-dogs for lunch!! (there were more but this is really all I can think of) Don't be blind to the Lord's tender mercies
I love Sundays so much because during Relief society a sister gets to tell her conversion story and it's always so great to hear. Also, we sing in mandarin and have to give 3 min talks in mandarin. I'll have to give one in about 3 weeks (yahooo)!!!)
Okay time is short. I love you all. TRC started and I loved it. Guess who was there? ETHER TAM! I've seen so many familiar faces in the MTC and I'm so grateful for that. Okay, really cool, so in the TRC I was able to teach a NONMEMBER FROM TAIWAN!!!! Usually it is a member, but this member daughter brought her mom! Amazing! I loved it. ! She used so many words I didn't know and MTC mandarin is DEF not real life Taiwanese mandarin but my companion and I explained to her the Plan of Salvation and how we can be Gods if we live righteously. I love the plan. She gave us her number and said she is going back to Taiwan but wants to learn more and that she is in my mission! I don't know about area but you know miracles happen. My first contact. xoxo gossip girl
Okay the last thing I want to do is talk about Christ because I love him and he's my number one. These days and forever. Easter is this week (right? my brain really is scrambled) and what better time to think of our Savior. I feel so privileged and blessed to be able to go to Taiwan. This is why. there are hardly any Christians there. There are so many sweet, sweet people who don't know who Christ is AT ALL. How lucky and blessed am I to be able to introduce them to someone who knows them so well and someone who loves them so immensely. I want to cry about it every time I think about it. I feel so blessed. I want to testify of my Savoir. It's in my soul and it burns. It's a burning desire to share what I know and feel about Him because I want others to feel the love, support, and joy too. Oh man oh man. Look up the lyrics to "Savoir Redeemer of my Soul" PLEASE. Those lyrics say exactly how I have been feeling since I came to the MTC. It is through my savior where i gain strength and I find so much comfort in knowing he went before me. He went before ALL of us! He knows us and you want to know what is even more beautiful? You knew him before we came to earth. We probably gave him some good fives and talked about heavenly things and hugged him a lot. And what is so great is you can know him in this life. You knew him before and so please take the time to know him now. He hasn't forgotten any of us. I know that he lives and he was resurrected and that only through his amazing sacrifice of TRUE CHARITY are we able to make it back into the arms of our loving father in heaven. The last verse of the song I mentioned states" Chasten my soul till I shall be in perfect harmony with thee. Make me more worthy of they love, and fit me for the life above" Oh my heart!! this is how I feel family. The wonderful thing is we are all worthy of the saviors love because his love is unconditional. He gives it to us freely, but lets all try to be WORTHY of it. When we come to understand his love for us I feel that it makes us want to do so much more and be so much better. I want to be more worthy of the Saviors love and that is why I am here. I am here to serve Him and the Lord. Oh man oh man how lucky am I to be part of this work. I know with all my heart it is true. It's not easy, but there is joy in the work.
Remember our Savior always please
I was always told that a mission is the most selfless time of your life. This is how I see it. A mission is between God and I. Only I and God know how much effort I put in and how hard I work but here is the thing. It's BETWEEN God and me but it's ABOUT others. It's not about me. It's about me serving whoever I can and serving them with all my heart. A mission is about love and service but you get to work alongside God. How wonderful! Life is good!
So remember how I was trying to have charity the last week (shout out to Mar. San. (you know who you are) for giving me those scriptures. You inspired me to do the same thing with other attributes and subjects so now when I study the scriptures I compile them into my patience, faith, baptism, and Atonement archives). <--- This is a good thing to do when you study the scriptures because it helps you really STUDY them and you are able to have scriptures to go to when you want to study a subject. Simple knowledge but just restating it. Well this is what happened. I was praying so hard to really love my companion and to make our companionship better. I talked to her about all I was feeling in Comp. Inventory and when I was talking to her, something just changed in me. It was the strangest thing. I was just looking at her and I just loved her and yes I was frustrated at how our companionship was going but it was okay because I loved and respected her and I really felt that. God answers prayers. He answers them in so many ways and that is how he answered mine. I think he softened my heart and made me less of a scrooge or something but I'm so thankful that happened because it has been a lot better now! I think I also just wanted her to understand what I wanted to do as a missionary and just where I was coming from and what this mission was to me. People just want to be understood! Take the time to listen to people. REALLY listen to them. The highlight of my week is Sunday when we are able to watch Music and The Spoken Word (watch it too! it's sososo good). Last Sunday the thought was about listening to people and REALLY listening to them. It talked about this deaf girl that is a famous drummer. Super-neat. And she says she feels with her whole self. Her body and her legs. Listening is more than hearing. It's turning your heart and attention to someone and giving your all to understand them. I hope I can always do that because I’m a missionary!! I need to listen to people's needs so I may be able to better help them. Since I’m a missionary and I love it I also think like one a lot. And that's a lot like the spirit. To really listen to the spirit we need to turn our attention away from other things and try with our all to listen.
TENDER MERCIES EXIST!!!! The tender mercies this week. 1. corn-dogs for lunch!! (there were more but this is really all I can think of) Don't be blind to the Lord's tender mercies
I love Sundays so much because during Relief society a sister gets to tell her conversion story and it's always so great to hear. Also, we sing in mandarin and have to give 3 min talks in mandarin. I'll have to give one in about 3 weeks (yahooo)!!!)
Okay time is short. I love you all. TRC started and I loved it. Guess who was there? ETHER TAM! I've seen so many familiar faces in the MTC and I'm so grateful for that. Okay, really cool, so in the TRC I was able to teach a NONMEMBER FROM TAIWAN!!!! Usually it is a member, but this member daughter brought her mom! Amazing! I loved it. ! She used so many words I didn't know and MTC mandarin is DEF not real life Taiwanese mandarin but my companion and I explained to her the Plan of Salvation and how we can be Gods if we live righteously. I love the plan. She gave us her number and said she is going back to Taiwan but wants to learn more and that she is in my mission! I don't know about area but you know miracles happen. My first contact. xoxo gossip girl
Okay the last thing I want to do is talk about Christ because I love him and he's my number one. These days and forever. Easter is this week (right? my brain really is scrambled) and what better time to think of our Savior. I feel so privileged and blessed to be able to go to Taiwan. This is why. there are hardly any Christians there. There are so many sweet, sweet people who don't know who Christ is AT ALL. How lucky and blessed am I to be able to introduce them to someone who knows them so well and someone who loves them so immensely. I want to cry about it every time I think about it. I feel so blessed. I want to testify of my Savoir. It's in my soul and it burns. It's a burning desire to share what I know and feel about Him because I want others to feel the love, support, and joy too. Oh man oh man. Look up the lyrics to "Savoir Redeemer of my Soul" PLEASE. Those lyrics say exactly how I have been feeling since I came to the MTC. It is through my savior where i gain strength and I find so much comfort in knowing he went before me. He went before ALL of us! He knows us and you want to know what is even more beautiful? You knew him before we came to earth. We probably gave him some good fives and talked about heavenly things and hugged him a lot. And what is so great is you can know him in this life. You knew him before and so please take the time to know him now. He hasn't forgotten any of us. I know that he lives and he was resurrected and that only through his amazing sacrifice of TRUE CHARITY are we able to make it back into the arms of our loving father in heaven. The last verse of the song I mentioned states" Chasten my soul till I shall be in perfect harmony with thee. Make me more worthy of they love, and fit me for the life above" Oh my heart!! this is how I feel family. The wonderful thing is we are all worthy of the saviors love because his love is unconditional. He gives it to us freely, but lets all try to be WORTHY of it. When we come to understand his love for us I feel that it makes us want to do so much more and be so much better. I want to be more worthy of the Saviors love and that is why I am here. I am here to serve Him and the Lord. Oh man oh man how lucky am I to be part of this work. I know with all my heart it is true. It's not easy, but there is joy in the work.
Remember our Savior always please
I was always told that a mission is the most selfless time of your life. This is how I see it. A mission is between God and I. Only I and God know how much effort I put in and how hard I work but here is the thing. It's BETWEEN God and me but it's ABOUT others. It's not about me. It's about me serving whoever I can and serving them with all my heart. A mission is about love and service but you get to work alongside God. How wonderful! Life is good!
and Jamison. xoxo
Happy Easter
Bu Jie Mei
Happy Easter
Bu Jie Mei
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Sisters in Zion |
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The District |